Increasing your credit score doesn't take months. Follow these easy techniques in the DIY Credit Repair eBook and improve your credit score. Our credit repair system gives you a smart way to remove errors and get your credit profile in great shape.
You will learn how to challenge the credit bureaus to remove inaccurate, obsolete, and incorrect items from your credit report. Restore your score and maximize your financial opportunities, you will see results in as little as 30 days!!!
Offers come to you, when your credit score indicates you're dependable. When you want to refinance existing debt, this is beneficial when you take out a personal loan or upgrade to a more suitable card with your current lender.
For most loans the most important factor required to buy a property is a credit score of at least 620 or higher. Higher is more trustworthy, and borrowers with scores of 740 or more will get the lowest interest rates.
High credit scores will allow you access to the various reward credit cards in the industry, including those with lower interest rates and the biggest rewards, like cash back, travel points, and other incentives.
The goal is for you to create generational wealth using your credit, becoming confident to walk into a bank, a mortgage broker's office, or a car dealership, knowing you have a 700+ credit score with positive credit history.
Don't let your credit scores affect your interest rates, and how much you pay on a car loan or mortgage, and even if you get a job. This eBook can help you get your score to 700 and above.
With the information in this ebook, you will become an informed consumer with specific laws on your side. You will see your negative items removed in a short time. Using strategic letters and timelines will enable you to flip the script and control your destiny.
When you start the process, you will notice many of these companies have already broken the law in various ways when it comes to your credit profiles.
After reading this guide, you will have the necessary knowledge to get out of debt and information that will help you repair your credit, get loans, and so forth.
Financial Credit System is a must-have guide for anyone with bad credit, no credit, or attempting to build good credit.
You will join the "700 Club" much sooner than you ever believed possible.
Payment history (35% of score): Do you pay on time? Do you pay the full balance, the minimum, or somewhere in between?
Amounts owed (30%): How much of the credit you're allowed do you use? If you exceed the limit, you are seen as high risk and penalized. If you use less than 30% of your credit, you're considered a safe borrower and get a positive rating.
Length of credit history (15%): The longer you have an account, the better the scorekeepers like it.
Credit mix (10%): FICO likes to see a mix between credit cards, mortgages, and auto loans … as long as you can afford them! Please don't take out another loan in hopes it will improve your score. This category doesn't' count enough in the overall equation.
New credit (10%): It's OK to open a new account occasionally, but if you are applying for several accounts in a short time, you are a risk, and your score will reflect that.
Get The Secret Guide to REPAIR your credit by YOURSELF
With the Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair Guide you will get the following:
All the SAMPEL letters you need to remove negative unwanted items and get your credit back on track. (Instant Download)
The Shopping Cart Trick
State by State Statute of Limitations on Debt
9 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make
Don’t miss out on this information to help you repair your credit yourself and save hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
You will gain the knowledge to help other in your circle repair their credit as well.
Don’t delay we will only be offering this amazing deal for a limited time.